Philanthropy Must Widen the Lens on Racial Equity Work.

By Ben Hires, CEO of BCNC

Published on The Center for Effective Philanthropy

“Philanthropy must recognize it is part of a more diverse country and that racial equity work extends beyond Black and white. In the United States, racial equity can be white-centric or focused on the white/Black paradigm, in many cases very appropriately. However, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work that is limited to that paradigm ironically may lack a focus on the distinct experience of other minorities because of the background of who is doing the work or asking for the work. As foundations pursue racial equity training and more diverse and equitable funding, the diverse experience of inequity of Filipinos, Hmong, Indonesians, Vietnamese, Chinese and other groups of Asian descent must be a part of that work — work which should also be led by Asians with lived experience of inequities…” Read more here


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